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Get The Whole Story

Humans are captivated by stories. It’s the reason we get sucked into binge watching television series or drawn into an enthralling novel. I think we love stories so much because we desire to feel connected – to the characters, to the places, to the feelings intertwined in the plot. It reminds us we are part of a much larger narrative.

Here at Due South, we too appreciate a great story and that’s just one reason why we absolutely adore our custom barn wood furniture. Not only is every piece gorgeous and carefully crafted, but each is constructed with barn wood from an old battle ground on Beecher Island, named after Battle of Gettysburg veteran, Lieutenant Frederick H. Beecher, near present day Wray, Colorado.

The Battle of Beecher Island took place in 1886 between the US Calvary and three Plains Native American tribes – Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Sioux. In the midst of scattered battles between Native Americans and US Troops, General Sheridan and Major Forsythe chose to shift their tactics to match those of the Native American warriors. In response to a reported raid, Forsythe and his troops travelled into Colorado in search of the supposed attack. After the Calvary unknowingly made camp just miles from Arapaho and Cheyenne villages, Roman Nose, the Cheyenne war leader, planned an ambush against these unsuspecting scouts.

When the Native Americans were prematurely spotted, their surprise attack was spoiled and battle ensued as the US Calvary was surrounded. Though the US scouts were vastly outnumbered, 50 men against 200 or more, they held their ground for fifteen days, waiting for the reinforcements from Fort Wallace. Forsythe and his men were forced to survive on rotting horsemeat and muddied water, suffering from illness and battle wounds, all while holding off attack.

We have the privilege to give new life to these beautiful pieces of reclaimed barn wood found on this battleground and within 100 yards of Roman Nose’s burial place. Due South does not celebrate the loss of any life or seek to use it for our gain. Ultimately, both sides suffered loss, including Roman Nose and the Plains Native Americans and Lieutenant Beecher and the US Cavalry. But by recycling them into something brand new, our hope is that not only will our custom furniture pieces help make your place feel a little more like home, but that its rich history will carry on the story of The Battle of Beecher Island and contribute to your story as well!

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