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Artists of Due South - Bridget Dorr

“There is no greater purpose for me than to gather, host, and welcome people into a shared space. This is the reason I create; this is who I am to the bones.”*

​Bridget Dorr, ceramic artist and photographer, was first captivated by ceramics as she began her art therapy degree. Out of the many art forms she studied, ceramics simply “captured” her – its challenging nature and the surrounding community caught her attention early on. When learning such a nuanced art, other ceramists are invaluable to not only bring inspiration and encouragement, but also to glean from their myriad of knowledge surrounding the art.

Once graduation came around, Bridget found herself disconnected from most of the crucial components that had contributed to her artistry. Without a potter’s wheel and cutoff from that rich and crucial college community, she was thrust far outside her comfort zone. Despite these obstacles, Bridget refused to quit creating, so she turned to the ever-trustworthy Google to locate the nearest clay store. She bought some clay and a few tools and simply started to create.

Declaring her kitchen counter her new studio, she made due with what she had – a rolling pin, two dowels, and a mold – and thus marking the start of a beautifully unique style of dining ware. At the time, Bridget was an art teacher at a school that had a kiln. She quickly found out she was the only one with the knowledge to properly use it, so they happily gave her free reign. This under-utilized kiln quickly became the means of not only fulfilling the desire within Bridget to get back into creating pottery, but eventually creating the foundation of a thriving business.

After some time of experimenting with slab work, she decided to place some mugs for sale on Etsy. Six months later, her first customer purchased a few of her mugs all the way from Ireland. While all the logistics didn’t quite align – shipping was twice as much as the cost of the mug - this couldn’t trump the excitement of sharing her art! “I was so excited! They found my two mugs and they were not very good, but they were mugs and they worked, so I sent them out! It was such a rush to be able to share my art with someone.” This first Etsy transacation was merely the start for Bridget Dorr ceramics!

The dining sets sold at Due South show off the unique, funky, yet beautifully modern style Bridget’s work has taken on. From plates to mugs to serving spoons, each one is created with such intentionality. While they are all stunning on their own, Bridget’s heart behind her ceramic creations add depth to its aesthetic. With a desire to create hospitable spaces, her dining ware fosters this: “My work is inspired by people gathering in intimate settings to discuss ideas, to share food, to love each other…Each ceramic cup I create to every event I curate has a purpose; to bring people together.”* Her art has become a means to provide opportunities at the table to foster the gift of simply being present.

Since those early Etsy purchases, Bridget has gained experience and knowledge, her business is continually developing, and expanded in new ways, such as the ceramics workshops she’s been putting on! What she currently loves most about ceramic art is how it has become a fantastic tool in self-discovery. Crafting along with the business component has helped shed light on some raw pieces of herself, revealing strengths, weaknesses, and how she handles challenges that come her way.

When chatting with Bridget, the value of community in her life is incredibly clear. She’s inspired by other creatives and loves the opportunity to relate to the challenges each encounters, dream together, and encourage one another’s pursuits, no matter what creative medium they may be pursuing! In light of finding inspiration by the community surrounding her, I asked Bridget what advice she may have to give others looking to chase after their own goals. I think her response will inspire and free us up from the fear of failure: “I always tell people, ‘ make bad art.’ Bad art’s going to happen, it’s going to happen all the time…just make each piece better.” So whatever it may be that you’re dreaming up, in the words of Bridget Dorr, “Make that first film. Write that first essay. Make that first mug,” because though it may not be perfect, it’ll continue to inspire and improve every time.

*From Bridget’s webpage: along with all images.

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